Today is preceded by a time - and in my case it is now 6 years - in which I have been working independently as an expert in white-collar crime and compliance.
At this point I would like to thank many people who have made this possible
- partners, friends, family for their support
- my clients, for their orders and follow-up orders
- my service providers, who support me in doing my work on time, according to the rules and in a quality-assured manner
- my instructors, who train me to adhere to the quality of this profession
- my students, whose success I am allowed to accompany and encourage
- and myself, as I always stay on top of things.
So it also happens that I look forward to working in partnership with my great clients every day, and this despite the fact that my role is by definition the "bad guy". But my clients never let me feel that, instead we always find a nice way to deal and find a solution / compromise.
I am proud of my 6th birthday as a white collar crime and compliance expert. As a reward I had a new website created, after all it always needs an adjustment to new circumstances. Feel free to take a look again.
My special learning in 2022 is the great joy when I am allowed to support people to reach their own goals.
And to Mahatma Gandhi's quote, "The future depends on what we do today," I wish you the creativity and leisure to make and pursue your own plans. The reflective season of Advent and also the Christmas holidays are an ideal time to do this. Just start today.
I wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season, good health and a happy New Year 2023.
Yours, Linda Liesum